Just Calm Down
The Sky Is Not Falling

October 1, 2001


The “Boomers”, “X’ers” and all post-Sean Penn tough guys are about to eloquently reinforce the conviction that the World War II generation was indeed “The Finest Generation”. 

Since the terrorist acts of September 11, many people in this country and most in the financial markets have been running in circles like the proverbial “chicken with its head cut off”. 

More upsetting is the current vogue on the part of business and financial leaders to blame the status of their companies and the economy on the acts of a ragtag bunch of cave dwelling thugs. 

And, most upsetting is the mercenary media whose talking heads can’t stop using the word “emotional” and parlaying a national disaster into a media ratings orgy fueled by panic and pain. 

God forbid a touch of reality should settle in, but a healthy reality-based wakeup call is exactly what many Americans need.    

In a vainglorious sound bite based frenzy, the media mavens would like the American public to believe that September 11, 2001 was another December 7, 1941.  It is not and it is irresponsible to suggest the comparison! 

Please allow calm to prevail for a few minutes and consider the reality of America’s present crisis. 

Unlike the post-Pearl Harbor period, America’s survival is not in immediate jeopardy.  One week after the Pearl Harbor attack the Nazis were running rampant throughout the European continent, Nazi submarines were destroying vessels in the coastal waters of the United States, most of the American Pacific naval fleet was lying at the bottom of Pearl Harbor, America was outnumbered in aircraft carriers by at least a 2 to 1 ratio, American civilians and military personal were under attack in the Philippines, Wake Island and throughout the Pacific, the Japanese were wreaking havoc throughout Asia, all U.S. allies were on the retreat and the world was in the midst of the Great Depression. 

America had to respond immediately to the Japanese threat and had to sacrifice greatly in the process. 

Presently, America is under no such time constraint.  Yet, many Americans are talking tough and, simultaneously, running scared. 

What has changed in one week? 

Prior to September 11, the U.S. economy was in the midst of a cyclical slowdown, as were most of the other world economies.  Growth had slowed, the stock market was correcting its previous excesses and unemployment was slowly increasing.  But the consumer was propping up the economy and exhibiting little intention of abandoning the ship.  The consumer is the front line soldier in the current economic battle. 

Despite its truly horrible nature, the destruction of four airliners, the World Trade Center, a wing of the Pentagon and the loss of over 3000 lives does not account for a 50% loss in the value of America’s airlines and the crash of the economy. 

The admitted goal of the terrorists is to destroy the United State’s economy.  Just as the Japanese perceived Americans to be weak, the present day Bin Laden crew is counting on the soft underbelly of American decadence to win their battle. 

The dream of the terrorists is for the American people to panic.  Panic leads to a crash of the stock markets.  Panic leads to the demise of many American businesses.  Panic leads to soaring unemployment.  Panic leads to political instability.  Panic leads to a loss of faith.  Panic spells victory for Bin Laden and all enemies of America and its great people. 

Why panic? 

America has been faced with acts of foreign terrorism since its inception.  Admittedly, the scope of the terrorism has increased.  However, America’s resources available to combat this terrorism have increased even more. 

View the glass as half full instead of half empty. 

Afghanistan’s economy is valued at less than $20 billion.  Afghanistan suffers from about 250% inflation.  Afghanistan’s army numbers less than 50,000 soldiers and is ill-equipped.  Afghanistan has virtually no infrastructure. 

America’s economy is valued at $9 trillion.  America has no inflationary problems.  America has the strongest and best-equipped military in the history of civilization.  America possesses the most sophisticated intelligence technology the world has ever seen.  America is blessed with the education of the Soviet’s failed Afghan war.  And, historically at least, the citizenry of the United States has proven its resolve through the centuries. 

Every generation since the heroes of  “The Greatest Generation” have proclaimed themselves to be smarter, tougher and wiser than the previous generation.  Now is the time to prove it. 

If the defeatists wish to collapse from panic and anxiety, panic about this: 

The National Safety Council points out: 41,300 Americans died in automobile accidents (1999); 5,800 pedestrians were killed (1999); 17,100 died from falls from one level to another or on the same level (excludes falls in or from transport vehicles or while boarding them) (1999); 10,500 died from poisoning by solids and liquids and 500 from poisoning by gases and vapors (1999); and 727 died when hit by falling objects (1997). The National Climatic Data Center (NCD) reports that on average 89 people die in the U.S. each year from lightning strikes. They also report that 130 deaths resulted from tornadoes in 1998.

Yet there is no crippling panic about driving, walking, climbing stairs, eating or rainstorms. 

Panic sells newspapers.  Panic sells television advertising.  Panic makes a few rich and the vast majority miserable. 

This country needs to take a deep breath and settle into normalcy.  Americans must support and build their economy, not wreck it.  Americans must stand defiant in the face of terrorism, not cower before it.  Americans must be brave and being brave means staying calm. 

The post World War II generations finally have a chance to prove themselves.  The “Boomers” have the opportunity to lead with distinction; the opportunity to honor the “Greatest Generation”.  The worst news for the Bin Laden thugs is for the people of the United States to remain calm, confident and prosperous.


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